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NATS authentication

Background (A NATS server with authentication is running on “nats:4222”)

Given I have the basic service configuration

And I have a NATS server running on “nats:4222”

And the NATS server requires authentication

And “nats” is a NATS user with password “password”.

Starting the service with valid credentials

Given I have an environment variable named “NATS_URL” with value “nats:4222”

And I have an environment variable named “NATS_USER” with value “nats”

And I have an environment variable named “NATS_PASSWORD” with value “password”

When I start the service

Then the service should start

And the service should connect to NATS.

Starting the service with invalid credentials fails

Given I have an environment variable named “NATS_URL” with value “nats:4222”

And I have an environment variable named “NATS_USER” with value “nats”

And I have an environment variable named “NATS_PASSWORD” with value “wrong”

When I start the service

Then the service should fail to start.

Starting the service without credentials fails when the authentication is required

Given I have an environment variable named “NATS_URL” with value “nats:4222”

When I start the service

Then the service should fail to start.

Starting the service fails when the NATS server is offline

Given I have an environment variable named “NATS_URL” with value “nats:4222”

And I have an environment variable named “NATS_USER” with value “nats”

And I have an environment variable named “NATS_PASSWORD” with value “password”

And the NATS server is offline

When I start the service

Then the service should fail to start.